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Friday, March 27, 2009

Comments :-)

Sorry girls! Baru harini check blog sendiri.. so here goes:Blogger

ileena said...

hehe..kak mizah...
i'm so proud of you!(erk.tibe2 je).
sbb finally ur becoming a mommy for real!!dulu jadi mommy ruby saje:)

bile ur due date?
i balik nnt boleh jumpa baby la kan..yeay!!!

u take care mommy:)

~ Thanks sayang! I'm so proud of myself too! ;-) Hihihi. my due date is June 26. Pls make sure ur here by then ok? You take care too !
Aisya said...

yes u are! HOT Mama!

~ Of courselah Cik Cah! :-)

shera said...

hot mama,

anda tertinggal sesuatu..

mungkin anda tetap cantik and bising seperti dulu? (cuma at 1 point cam mengah2 gak laa aku tgk ko nak ikut kitorg gelak) hehehehe..

take care darling..

copsss 6 mths? 3 bln lagi! omg!

~Shera darling! Woooww thanks for telling me that I'm still? (haha!) pretty & kecoh like before. Yeeeeeeee memang mengah-mengah kan kesian tak kat aku. A'ah 3 more months aku pun dah cuak ni!!!

Bile boleh jumpa lagi ni??

aien said...

Saye naek 13kg je mase pregnant. Berat yg ideal la kirenye :-)

Cube la tny doc bape dh berat baby gal tuh skang. Diorg bleh tau.

Mase saye 8 bulan pregnant, doc kate berat baby around 2.8kg, trus cuak. Makan pon control pastuh. Mkn nasik skali je sehari, hihi.

Nway, ase nye perot awk lebih besar compare ngan saye time 6 months pregnant :-)

Wish you all the best kakak!!

~ Saye dah naik 11kgs ni. Cuak gak baru 6 bulan setengah.. A'ah berat baby tak tanya pun kat doc, tunggulah checkup next month. Thanks for the wish, Ibu Mukhlis! Doakan semua baik-baik sahaja ye...

MadamSuraya said...

err ko mcm dah berbalik kpd imej thn 1 mu.hahaha =)

kak ipo aku by anytime this week bole bersalin.aku & dibah diassignkan utk jage die jumaat ni sbb parents n abg aku g UUM untuk konvo die.bole taakk kitorang ni ketakutaan di umoh.ouuwhh n one more berat baby die 3.5 kg time scan last week.very the big.

~ Hahaha oh Surayatul, itulah aku pon rasa gaks. Sebijik tak mcm gaya-gaya 1st year? Aku dah makin memberat dan membesar nak melawa sangat pun takde baju-baju cantik yang muat, baju aku kan semua kecik-kecik. Ni baju-baju pregnant semua Mak & Mama aku yg belikan.

Suraya & Dibot sila jaga kakak ipo korang baik2!!! Korang dah nak dapat anak sedara dah ni!!!

dey said...

waaaaaaaaaaa glow gila...lain!!!!
ko da kena buatan en faiz...waaaah

~ Yana, series ke glowwww? hahahahaha..weh aku bakal merinduimuuuuu! Sila pastikan diri anda terkena buatan en Ariff secepat mungkin, boleh? :-)

ude said...

okla tuh mizah...berseri kata org.
hope everything is well.

~ Thanks Ude! InsyaAllah..doakan semuanya ok ye?

Anonymous said...

kak mizah,
sukenye tgk kamuuuuuu!!!!

i always love looking at preggie mammy.kalau jupa awak lagi (sblom bersalin) tlg jgn rasa rimas pulak ye ;)

ohhh saye nk preggie jugaaakkkk!! :P


~Kak Kopi! Sukenyeeee kamu suke tgk kita!! Saya doakan kamu preggie jugak tak lame lagi, InsyaAllah. Berusahalah! :-)

athirah said...

Mizah mommy to be..

Eventho dah tembam sikit..tetap comel la kamu!

dan aku rasa ko nampak lain haritu sebab spec kamu!


btw, take care darling! syg ko.

Nanti jumpa lagi utk bagi crocs ye!


~My Athirah, aku tau yg aku tetap comel, hehehe..yerppp dah beberapa hari ni tak pakai lens sebab lens terkoyak, dah order tapi lom sampai-sampai lagi. Terpaksalah membawa imej mak-mak ke ofis. Sayang ko jugaks!! Rinduuuuuuuuu pleaseeeeeeeee...

..and yes, I can't hardly wait for the crocs too hehe..nanti jumpa kat Shah Alam lagi, boleh? ;-) Sila suruh Shera drive plak kali ni. Hihihi...

Aliza said...

mama mizah comel riang gembire...ehh...kawan2 aku yg pregnant sume start besa mdadak 7months++ ...normal laa neh...

~Auntie Ali, normal kan? tulah aku dah makin risau ni besar mane pulaklah nanti jadinya aku nanti..

eruncute said...

mummy lor..kamu da cm emak2...but u look cute je...huuhhuu...take care ehk...:p

~Woow Auntie Erun lame gilerrrrrrr tak tinggal komen! Series la aku dah mcm emak-emak. Emak cute la ek? Hehehe.. :-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Its official!

I would like to announce this today, I’m now officially a FAT HOT Mama! 

Just look at these pictures people! And what else to say, especially when your best friends told you that you looked different, or “Oh my God, Mizah! Kamu dah nampak macam ibu-ibu!”.

Met Thirah & Shera last Friday, they were very kind & considerate (eceeehhh mestilah kena consider ok!) to come to Shah Alam, memandangkan saya adalah seorang ibu mengandung dan tak boleh berjalan jauh. Rindu giler kat korang dah boleh tak!!!!
This pics were taken by Cik Cah, during a cousin's wedding last Saturday. Saya nampak sangat kembang!! Nak suka ke nak sedih ni? ;-)

It’s ok dear girls, I took it as a compliment. What did my mom said to you, Sher? “Memanglah macam mak-mak, dah nak jadi mak orang dah kan..” Hehehe.

On Sunday, we went for my 6th month (26 weeks) check-up. We are the happiest & proudest parents seeing our Baby Girl dah makin besar dan memanjang. Alhamdulillah.. Even now my husband can always hear her heartbeat through my tummy. And I think she knows her Papa’s voice already by now, because every time the husband talking to her, she would eagerly respond by kicking on Mama’s tummy hard! So far, she is growing & developing very well – even though most people I met said that my tummy looks small for a 6th months’ pregnant lady. Well, I think its because of my small build. Oh by the way, I'm 56kgs today! Kak Aien, kenapa awak 9 months pun baru 56kgs? Adakah saya dah terlebih-lebih berat?

Taken by our cousin Kak Ina. Waaahhh!! Papa dah pandai dukung babylah! Bangganya saya! The baby girl is our 5months old niece, Farah.

Ok, till then.

P.s : Sila bagi komen anda mengenai the latest appearance ibu mengandung ini, yee....hehe

P.s.s : Yana, see u tomorrow (online)!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Updates @ the 25th week

No, I haven't give Pn Dila any visit & see Baby Yusof for real. I was planning to at first; since we went back to Seremban last weekend. But I ended up having buttock & back pain - gara-gara menolong emak membasuh pinggan & melipat baju yg banyak. Yang akhirnya membuatkan saya & suami tidur saje di rumah pada petang Ahad. To Dila or Pikin, if u read this, pls pretty pls upload gambar baby Yusof, semua orang tak sabar nak tengok ni. Oh another news is, a good friend is 2 months pregnant! Sedundun Geng, sila teka sesama anda..hehe. ;-)

Chong Wei won against Super Dan, finally! We watched the game until it finished, lepas itu baru pulang ke Shah Alam. Masuk ke kereta, start enjin, tersangkut-sangkut kejap.. enjin terus mati. Rupanya, minyak dalam tank dah kosong! Cepat-cepat bawak Kelisa ke Petronas di depan taman, beli minyak RM2. Bergerak balik around 10:45pm - sampai di rumah 12:05am. Oh bulan ini servis Myvi + tukar 2 biji tayar sebab dah botak (sikit je tapi takut), banyak jugalah duit melayang. Hopefully next month, salary increment comes in for real. With arrears too, please boss!

Another gift from over-the-sea!

I received my most awaited parcel from Japan at last! Thanks Auntie Yana! Mama+Baby of course, loves you SOOOOO much! :-) Mwwaaahhhhhh!

Boleh tak handwriting tak berubah langsung? 2 kali teran? Alamak susah tu.. and again, I love you, babe. Kaulah antara my unique visitor. Sila buat pisang bakar tiap-tiap hari supaya mudah lawas. Hahaha alamak baru perasan something censored la on the card. Oh tapi my postcard takde seahorses macam Erin. ;-)

My Fizz got enganged last Sunday. Yes, you looked veryyyyyyyyy pretty in peach. Qouting Erin, 'Pernah ke dia tak pretty?' Haha, tak pernah! Erin, I cilok gambar dari blog you ok..

Pleaselaaahhhh, kenapa kena comel sangat macam Barbie Doll!!

Will be going for another checkup on this weekend. Waahh dah lama tak update on Baby Girl's progress in my tummy. I'm trying to find some time to post an entry on her development. She's healthy Alhamdulillah, and really makes Mama susah nak tidur malam-malam. :-D By the way, I'm happy at 55kgs now with a very big belly.

Ok, till then.

P.s : Doc Shu, yes I know that you were here for a while. Rajin-rajin kerja ok!

P.s.s : Athirah, I'm waiting for our Crocs!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm back

Finally! Sorry again for my long silence – a week without an entry is considered long enough. Sorry ok Sher, Yana. Please bear with my inconsistency in updating the blog. :-)

And so I had a great time in Kuantan for the teambuilding program. Oohh but the journey took forever. We departed by bus from Bangi on Friday around 3:00 pm, and arrived at Swiss Garden at approximately 7:30pm! Most of us were sleeping soundly during the first two hours on the bus. Hehe. Masuk je jam ke tiga, bontot dah rasa kematu dah duduk statik je, lagi-lagi membawakan baby ni (read : being pregnant). Sakit-sakit tulang belakang ni tapi surprisingly I survived without much complaint. Ye ke? I think I was the loudest on the bus, kecoh giler mcm makcik-makcik.

Our room was nice. The food were nice too.. Rasa 3 hari duduk sana boleh je naik jugak berat ni. Baby pun macam happy-happy, sebab sibbuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk je kick perut Mama now & then kat sana. Tidur? Kurang selesa sebab takde encik Husband nak dikejut-kejut kalau rasa macam nak merengek suruh urut-urut bila sakit-sakit badan malam-malam. He was having his own ME time sepanjang ketiadaan isterinya & Baby Girl – main golf + tidurrrrrrrrrrr + bangun siang (bukan pagi lagi dah) bila matahari dah naik tinggi atas kepala. Walau apepun, Thanks A Lot to Papa, sebab rumah kemas, bilik air pun berkilat dan paling best, kereta Mama berkilat-kilat macam cermin. We love you soooooooooooooooooo much!

Rasa-rasa pergi ke Kuantan ni tak puas langsung, sebab our time there were very packed! Nak turun mandi laut pun tak sempat langsung. Cuma the 2nd night right after our BBQ, kitorang sempat berjalan-jalan mencecahkan kaki ke pasir pantai. D’Jungle People (our training consultants) were the best! Harapnya, kalau ada lagi program-program macam ni lepas ni, bosses akan hire these pople again. Hai bukan senang nak dapat chance macam ni (read : teambuilding prog/away-day/family-day). Sebabnya = budget constraint. And hopefully next year, the Bank will allocate some budget for such. Pleaseeeeeeeee.

Ok. I will continue with more later.

P.s : Nampaknya saya sedang menunggu-nunggu sesuatu dari negara Matahari Terbit.

P.s.s: Shera & Thirah, bila nak jumpa ni? Perut aku dah makin membesar ni. Lets meet up at least once before my Baby comes out, boleh? Oh Shera, kamu dah offer nak tolong-tolong aku pindah rumah nanti. Aku announce kat sini thanks yeee!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

House chores

I wrote this list on Saturday night, tampal tepi cermin. Kalau ade list depan mata, kerja jalan skit kan.. ye ke?

...and at the end of the day..

Takpelah, Papa kena gi site kat PJ sebab last week turn dia stand-by. Yang penting, masa Mama pergi Kuantan weekend ni, Papa kena basuh bilik air + vacum bilik + tukar cadar. Boleh tak Papa? I love you!

Yeay, I can't wait for the Kuantan trip this Friday! Ecewaahh tak sedar diri ni tengah pregnant.. ;-) Dun worry people, ada beberapa orang jugak yang sekasut dengan saye (read: pregnant) malah ada yang lebih sarat lagi. InsyaAllah, I will take extra care of myself. Rasanya, preggies takkan join aktiviti lasak.

I would like to wish Best of Luck to Mek Mur, who are going to give birth to her 2nd baby anytime soon. Moga semuanya selamat, ye yang.. Tadi baru visit blog Mummy Aien, ada entry bergambar baby Mukhlis (calon menantu kami), dia dah besar dah!

P.s: Saya sedang menunggu sesuatu dari Jepun. Ecewahhh.. (ye ke ni Pn Yana?)

Footnote : Lagi 3 hari genap 6 bulan saye pregnant.. Alhamdulillah. Tak lama lagi je niii... Sabar ok Baby Girl, Mama & Papa really can't wait to meet you for real too!