And so I had a great time in Kuantan for the teambuilding program. Oohh but the journey took forever. We departed by bus from Bangi on Friday around 3:00 pm, and arrived at Swiss Garden at approximately 7:30pm! Most of us were sleeping soundly during the first two hours on the bus. Hehe. Masuk je jam ke tiga, bontot dah rasa kematu dah duduk statik je, lagi-lagi membawakan baby ni (read : being pregnant). Sakit-sakit tulang belakang ni tapi surprisingly I survived without much complaint. Ye ke? I think I was the loudest on the bus, kecoh giler mcm makcik-makcik.
Rasa-rasa pergi ke Kuantan ni tak puas langsung, sebab our time there were very packed! Nak turun mandi laut pun tak sempat langsung. Cuma the 2nd night right after our BBQ, kitorang sempat berjalan-jalan mencecahkan kaki ke pasir pantai. D’Jungle People (our training consultants) were the best! Harapnya, kalau ada lagi program-program macam ni lepas ni, bosses akan hire these pople again. Hai bukan senang nak dapat chance macam ni (read : teambuilding prog/away-day/family-day). Sebabnya = budget constraint. And hopefully next year, the Bank will allocate some budget for such. Pleaseeeeeeeee.
Ok. I will continue with more later.
P.s : Nampaknya saya sedang menunggu-nunggu sesuatu dari negara Matahari Terbit.
P.s.s: Shera & Thirah, bila nak jumpa ni? Perut aku dah makin membesar ni. Lets meet up at least once before my Baby comes out, boleh? Oh Shera, kamu dah offer nak tolong-tolong aku pindah rumah nanti. Aku announce kat sini thanks yeee!
ceria nya muka mommy mizah...
Kete saye jugak x berkilat dr thn lps, hihi..
Take care kakak. Jaga kandungan baik2 & urself too. Jgn tinggal2 handphone supaya sng nk contact sape2 in case of emergency.
Mummy to be!! Wajiblah berjumpa kan...mintak en husband melopehkan sekejap mummy mizah nie utk ketemu kami! hehhe..........
And mase tu, mesti kecohla satu tempat. ahahhahha..
Cik Shera, kindly comment on this. ekekekeke
beb perut kamu dah besar! bestnye!!
tk good care
(aku ade tinggalkan sikit ole2 dekat iza kusha time balik seminggu itu hari utk baby princess kamu. aku suruh dia passkan bila2 ye..)
Kak Mizah,
dah p tgk baby yusoff ke?
kiteorg ingtkn nk p tis weekend, tp tak jadi.
bestnya teambuilding p kuantan.kiteorg plg jauh kiteorg p adelah perak - gua tempurung.other than that kat penang ja.huhuuu...
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