No, I haven't give
Pn Dila any visit & see Baby Yusof for real. I was planning to at first; since we went back to Seremban last weekend. But I ended up having
buttock & back pain - gara-gara menolong emak membasuh pinggan & melipat baju yg banyak. Yang akhirnya membuatkan saya & suami tidur saje di rumah pada petang Ahad. To Dila or Pikin, if u read this, pls pretty pls upload gambar baby Yusof, semua orang tak sabar nak tengok ni. Oh another news is, a good friend is 2 months pregnant! Sedundun Geng, sila teka sesama anda..hehe. ;-)
Chong Wei won against Super Dan, finally! We watched the game until it finished, lepas itu baru pulang ke Shah Alam. Masuk ke kereta, start enjin, tersangkut-sangkut kejap.. enjin terus mati. Rupanya, minyak dalam tank dah kosong! Cepat-cepat bawak Kelisa ke Petronas di depan taman, beli minyak RM2. Bergerak balik around 10:45pm - sampai di rumah 12:05am. Oh bulan ini servis Myvi + tukar 2 biji tayar sebab dah botak (sikit je tapi takut), banyak jugalah duit melayang. Hopefully next month, salary increment comes in for real. With arrears too, please boss!
Another gift from over-the-sea!I received my most awaited parcel from
Japan at last! Thanks Auntie Yana! Mama+Baby of course, loves you SOOOOO much! :-) Mwwaaahhhhhh!

Boleh tak handwriting tak berubah langsung? 2 kali teran? Alamak susah tu.. and again, I love you, babe. Kaulah antara my unique visitor. Sila buat pisang bakar tiap-tiap hari supaya mudah lawas. Hahaha alamak baru perasan something censored la on the card. Oh tapi my postcard takde seahorses macam Erin. ;-)
My Fizz got enganged last Sunday. Yes, you looked veryyyyyyyyy pretty in peach. Qouting Erin, '
Pernah ke dia tak pretty?' Haha, tak pernah!
Erin, I cilok gambar dari blog you ok..

Pleaselaaahhhh, kenapa kena comel sangat macam Barbie Doll!!
Will be going for another checkup on this weekend. Waahh dah lama tak update on Baby Girl's progress in my tummy. I'm trying to find some time to post an entry on her development. She's healthy Alhamdulillah, and really makes Mama susah nak tidur malam-malam. :-D By the way, I'm happy at 55kgs now with a very big belly.
Ok, till then.
P.s : Doc Shu, yes I know that you were here for a while. Rajin-rajin kerja ok!
P.s.s : Athirah, I'm waiting for our Crocs!
heeee ur most welcome!!
whoaaaaa da order crocs?
sape yg dh 2 bulan tu?
cewah, kepoci pulak.
Umie ke?
the other day, i saw her status something pasal mammy... tp xsmpt nk buzz kacau/sakat.hehe...
ehhh romper itu comels, baru teringt yg i have this one cute yellow dress for baby girl.since u r carry a girl... bolehla bagi that osh kosh dress to ur kid.dan tlg jgn tanya mengapa i hv that dress :P
take care, mammie mizah!
Auntie Dey - yay! moga-moga aku + thirah berjaya dapat yg terbaik!
Thanks my dear japanese friend ecewah sejak bila tukar kewarganegaraan.. mwwaaahhhhhhh! sila rajin-rajin buat kerja rumah ok. Love u to bits!
Auntie Coffee - hihihi..yerrrr Umie ler tu. (sori mie aku jadi CNN!)
wahhh kamu pun nak bagi baju baby kat saye ke? (hihi segannye tapi suke :-D) u take care too kak kopi.
hehe..i noe sape yg preggy tu..tihtithtih(mizah u noe who i am..kena jadi Pn X jap..susah kalo ramai peminat nak google nama i)tihtithith
wwoii bebeh,
gua lame x ngomen lak.sjuk gle babas sini.hujan sokmo. aku nak taip2 keyboard tgn kebasss ku rajin bace2 je.mase ume bitau tu aku dah nak terjojol ar ume!
aku ade lg 2 1/2 bulan nak duduk sabaakk.aarrghh cepatla bln 6 aku nak pinddaahhh
omg u 55?
mmg patut aku kurus kn badan dulu sebelum pregnant..kalau tak mau 65kg nnt..haha..
Pn X? hahahaha..yes i noe who u r.its ok, that means u r still hotstuff ok tiap2 hr ade org google name kamu.muahahahaha!
Pn Suraya - a'ah bebeh,lame dh kamu xngomen.weh aku rindula nak dengar bebelan kamu yg nyaring tu! sabar k surayatul 2 bulan stgh tu cuba ko ibaratkan mcm 2 hari stgh.well u know umie,dia kan HEBAT!!
Pn Anem - hahaha helo anem ko tengoklah ketinggian aku separuh dr ketinggian kamu no ko dah kurus ok jangan mengade2 nak kurus lagi.kalau kurus sgt camne nak membawa baby dlm perut? ;-)
Semua puan??!! stress...hhuhuu..
Wow! kiut miut yana's present tu..syomeeeeeeeeelll sgtt..
Yes, mommy mizah..can't wait for our suede alice!! yeay! hopefully menepati citarasa kan? hmmm...
miss u bebeh!
i thot i leave a msg already?
ahahaha..esok kita jmpa and gosipsss....
p/s: tulisan yana sumpah x berubah okeh!
55?? Berat saye 56 je mase 9 months. Tuh berat baby ke berat mummy dia? X takot baby besar ke? hihi..
thanks kak mizah!!! hope ure doing ok..takecare of ur health! love you!!! :D
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