Just look at these pictures people! And what else to say, especially when your best friends told you that you looked different, or “Oh my God, Mizah! Kamu dah nampak macam ibu-ibu!”.

It’s ok dear girls, I took it as a compliment. What did my mom said to you, Sher? “Memanglah macam mak-mak, dah nak jadi mak orang dah kan..” Hehehe.
On Sunday, we went for my 6th month (26 weeks) check-up. We are the happiest & proudest parents seeing our Baby Girl dah makin besar dan memanjang. Alhamdulillah.. Even now my husband can always hear her heartbeat through my tummy. And I think she knows her Papa’s voice already by now, because every time the husband talking to her, she would eagerly respond by kicking on Mama’s tummy hard! So far, she is growing & developing very well – even though most people I met said that my tummy looks small for a 6th months’ pregnant lady. Well, I think its because of my small build. Oh by the way, I'm 56kgs today! Kak Aien, kenapa awak 9 months pun baru 56kgs? Adakah saya dah terlebih-lebih berat?

Ok, till then.
P.s : Sila bagi komen anda mengenai the latest appearance ibu mengandung ini, yee....hehe
P.s.s : Yana, see u tomorrow (online)!
hehe..kak mizah...
i'm so proud of you!(erk.tibe2 je).
sbb finally ur becoming a mommy for real!!dulu jadi mommy ruby saje:)
bile ur due date?
i balik nnt boleh jumpa baby la kan..yeay!!!
u take care mommy:)
yes u are! HOT Mama!
hot mama,
anda tertinggal sesuatu..
mungkin anda tetap cantik and bising seperti dulu? (cuma at 1 point cam mengah2 gak laa aku tgk ko nak ikut kitorg gelak) hehehehe..
take care darling..
copsss 6 mths? 3 bln lagi! omg!
Saye naek 13kg je mase pregnant. Berat yg ideal la kirenye :-)
Cube la tny doc bape dh berat baby gal tuh skang. Diorg bleh tau.
Mase saye 8 bulan pregnant, doc kate berat baby around 2.8kg, trus cuak. Makan pon control pastuh. Mkn nasik skali je sehari, hihi.
Nway, ase nye perot awk lebih besar compare ngan saye time 6 months pregnant :-)
Wish you all the best kakak!!
err ko mcm dah berbalik kpd imej thn 1 mu.hahaha =)
kak ipo aku by anytime this week bole bersalin.aku & dibah diassignkan utk jage die jumaat ni sbb parents n abg aku g UUM untuk konvo die.bole taakk kitorang ni ketakutaan di umoh.ouuwhh n one more berat baby die 3.5 kg time scan last week.very the big.
waaaaaaaaaaa glow gila...lain!!!!
ko da kena buatan en faiz...waaaah
okla tuh mizah...berseri kata org.
hope everything is well.
kak mizah,
sukenye tgk kamuuuuuu!!!!
i always love looking at preggie mammy.kalau jupa awak lagi (sblom bersalin) tlg jgn rasa rimas pulak ye ;)
ohhh saye nk preggie jugaaakkkk!! :P
Mizah mommy to be..
Eventho dah tembam sikit..tetap comel la kamu!
dan aku rasa ko nampak lain haritu sebab spec kamu!
btw, take care darling! syg ko.
Nanti jumpa lagi utk bagi crocs ye!
Mizah mommy to be..
Eventho dah tembam sikit..tetap comel la kamu!
dan aku rasa ko nampak lain haritu sebab spec kamu!
btw, take care darling! syg ko.
Nanti jumpa lagi utk bagi crocs ye!
mama mizah comel riang gembire...ehh...kawan2 aku yg pregnant sume start besa mdadak 7months++ ...normal laa neh...
mummy miza...ye lor..kamu da cm emak2...but u look cute je...huuhhuu...take care ehk...:p
salam mizah.. wahhh.. sudah besar perotnyerr.. =D rajin gak ko udpate page ko ni ekk.. aku punya dah jadi pekasam.. ;P so selamat menjalani baki 3 bulan ni dgn gumbira.. amalkan bacaan doa utk memudahkan proses bersalin dalam 3 bulan terakhir ni.. -fadilah H.
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