How's weekend everyone?
We went for another ultrasound scan this morning. And this time, we can see our baby's heart beat! Alhamdulillah, Mr Tiny (qouting Erin) is healthy & fine. I just need more rest and not to stress out especially now when husband has started working on shift, I do feel a bit uncomfortable sleeping alone. I have spent the nights at my in-law's since yesterday - husband on night shift yesterday & today. Kesian dia.. first time night shift malam tadi, balik rumah siang tadi tidor je sebab letih sangat, tapi tak lama pun - tengahari the two babies dah lapar, so kenalah bangun beli lunch. Sorry sayang, esok tidor puas-puas ye baby tak kacau. :-)
I received a few wedding invitations in December. SSPians who will be tying the knot - Fadilah, Eliza, Dilarip & Tatong; received an sms from her just now asking for my address. I'm going to Fadilah's insyaAllah, dah janji dengan Shera. But I'll be going alone coz encik husband is working that day (checking his shift schedule). And takde baju sebab kain semua dah ketat kat pinggang! Eliza's most probably tak dapat nak attend, jadi akan berkirim salam dengan Shera. Tatong pun unfortunately tak dapat attend jugak sebab on the Christmas Day, we're going to Kuala Terengganu for wedding geng UTM encik husband, Fitri on the 28th. Of which again, unluckily falls on the same day of Dilarip's wedding, right? Bestnya dah lama tak jalan jauh! Oh and one more wedding in Shah Alam, encik husband's friend- Nafis. Ada lagi wedding member-member UTM yang lain : Ana!!! & Chem. Wah banyaknyaaaa wedding bulan ni, so nanti korang semua ni pregnant sekali tau, senang! :-)
Encik husband has a new hairdo! Sikit lagi je nak botak, but I like it very much! It was my suggestion btw, sebab rambut dia cepat sangat panjang. I'll put up his pic tomorrow.. I think the last time he had such haircut was during our uni years. Ada one time masa dia jemput nak keluar dating tu, terkejut giler tengok kepala dah botak. Luv it luv it luv it sayang!
To Athirah - rindu jugakkkk nak sleepover macam dulu, borak-borak sampai tertidur. Rindu gilerrrrrrr buat ape-ape jelah dengan kamu semua! Love you!
P.s: Really can't wait for the coming weekend!
My CL's Journey to Oxford
4 years ago