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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Caca Marba

Boss is having a meeting and as usual, the updates. Half of the morning is full of making calls to the developer, lawyer offices & the bank's branch. We've just got our CF for the house last week & now I'm into the next - to proceed with my loan appl. Waaahh! Crazy man I hope everything will be settled by 1st or 2nd week of Jan 09. If not, we're gonna have to pay for the late interest which is soooo not acceptable. And for them to hand-over the keys! so that we can start with the renovation and so on. Sangat tak sabar nak masuk rumah sendiri, insyaAllah tung tang tung tang end of Feb ke early March ke.

On the other note, we didn't see much during the ultrasound scan haritu & tak nampak lagi heart beat baby. So, we need to come back for another one in 4 weeks time. Takpelah, as long as everything else is OK -mama & baby are in good condition. :-) Oh but the doc said that my blood count is normal but low normal. Boleh ke macam tu? I was prescribed with ubat tambah darah. Less nausea, a bit uncomfortable during sleep at nights, bloating as always, craving for sooo many things tapi bila dah dapat depan mata, makan-makan tak habis pulak. Encik husband jugak yg kena habiskan. Sampaikan perut dia dah lagi besar dari perut ibu mengandung.

Encik husband will start working on shift (12 hours for godsake!) this Thursday, for a period of time. Maybe dalam 2-3 bulan jugak. Harap-harap tak lebih lama dari tu. I cried terribly when he told me about it yesterday. The shift schedule has started last Sunday, so right now he is on leave for four days. His shift will be like 4 days work (night/day shift), the next 4 days off, another 4 days work and so on. Waaahhh saya sangat sedih! Takpelah, ini semua dugaan. Harap-harap saya berani tidor kat rumah sorang-sorang masa dia night shift. :-( Yang paling tambah sedih lagi, his shift for the next 4 days falls on weekend cuti-cuti ke PD! But once he finish works, he'll come straight to PD to join us. Kalau time tu enchik husband, night shift bolehlah join mandi-manda di tepian pantai. Kalau day shift, tak dapeklah nak bermandi-manda sama-sama. Dan tambah tambah tambah tambah sedih lagi, he has to work on Raya Haji!!

Takpe, ini semua dugaan. :-)

Ok, till then. I'm taking a day-off tomorrow sebab encik husband cuti! Boleh pergi tengok Madagascar!


kew_chop said...

lorr patutla aku tgk lame tak update blog, ghupenye tukar blog baru.. hihihi

Nur Hamizah said...

ye mek.patutler hang dah lame tak komen. hehehehe. :-)

Melissa said...

OMGosh mizah i have the same problem. Because of that also tekanan darah terlalu lemah.
Ayah kawan aku meninggal bcoz of this. Dia pandang atas lama2 kat bilik air then terpitam jatuh terhempas leher kat jamban. putus urat leher.

Nway banyakkan makan daging merah and coke. Yes dear minum coke bebyk.

Nur Hamizah said...

OMG mell thats so scary! its ok u & me will be fine.jgn pandang atas lama2 kat bilik air tau!

hehehe coke? dr shu, is she right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Coke?? Early stage neh ramai je yg x kasik minum air gas. If rahim x kuat, bleh gugur. It happens to my fren. Jaga diri bebaik k kakak. Byk dugaan org mengandung neh. Seme pon jadik sensitif. Sik sedey & nak nanges je kn, hihi. Take care :-D

AwekMejaSebelah said...

ahaa..low normal mcm gue.ko kene makan kerang, bayam merah & daging.juge ko kene makan on time kalo x kapala pusing & avoid tgk screen pc lame2

Anonymous said...

penat tau kerja shift.
eventho i never been on rotation job - which requires me to go on tgkkan colleagues keje on shift mmg penat.specially nite shift.balek umh mmg trus berdengkur ajelah.

takpelah kak mizah, he'll has more time at home sbb 4 days off.lg best kalau kak mizah pn cuti jugak :D

take care mommy-to-be!


Nur Hamizah said...

kak aien - yup im not taking any air gas sampai skrg sejak preknen.a'ah nanges2 dan sedey2 & sensitip je saye 2-3 menjak ni,hehehe walaupun sebenarnye takde benda sedih2 pun. :-)u take care too tinggal sebulan dua je lagi baby nak kuar.. *hugs*

madamme surayatul nabila - alamak kerang2 ni yg risau nak mkn ni.kalau nak mkn kerang kene beli sendiri kat pasar cuci sendiri rebus sendiri. suraya kamu tu jaga kesihatan betul2. jgn nak stress2 jek! luv u bebe!

kak kopi - memang keje shift penat, sedangkan kite yg keje 8-9 jam ni pun dah letih2 balik apekan lagi shifters. a'ah tulah sekarang ni kite kena amik cutilah bile dia off-day. cuti tahun ni tinggal 4 hari, so ade lagi 4 weeks, 1 day per week lah. :-)

u take care too mydear!

Anonymous said...

take care ye mama mizah...jgn sedey2 oke, dugaan dalam idup tu... hope happy2 n ceria2 selalu yer :)

shera said...

cik kak,

faez keje shift? best ape? bila dia cuti..abis laa dia pampered ko amik-anta g keje sume..hehehe..

tdo sorg? kan dah ade baby teman kamu tdo..dun worry okays!

Nur Hamizah said...

cik kak sher, ada best ade xbest la.xbest sebab kalau dienye shift wiken,aku kesunyianla dok umah sorg.pastu kalau malam,aku tido dengan baby berdua jelah.hehehe.

xde deh nak antar g keje pagi2 kots,aku pun tak smpai hati nak suh die antar aku dr shah alam pastu balik pastu lunch dtg balik pastu petang jemput balik. lunch same je dipersetujui.hehehe.

Melissa said...


terlupa sekejap ko pregnant. tak tau plak minum coke tak baik utk baby.



ko rindu coke/sarsi tak?

Nur Hamizah said...

mell ko boleh lupe? tulah tapi perut aku pon lom besar2 lagi ni.tak sabar nak tggu besaq!

seriously? rindu gilerrr coke&sarsi&pepsi!! dah lame giler ni aku ade minum skit2 jela mengecek my husband mase die mkn mcd. :-p

Anonymous said...

mummy mizah!!

take care dear..

rindula nak borak2 ngan ko..

tak mcm dulu..boleh stay up same2..borak sampai tak shera??

