So what do u guys think of my new blog? I will probably stay with this layout for some time. Hari tu pun menggodek template membetulkan sana sini dah pening-pening sebab dah lama tak usik html so dah lupa-lupa ayam. Oh and I can finally see that my Nuffnang has shown me sumthing. Hehehehehe. Saya akan buktikan pada husband saya yang masih tak mempercayai kebenaran ini, InsyaAlllah.
On Saturday evening, we attended a distance relative's wedding at Dewan Tabung Haji. And I met Amal, the pregnant cousin whom already in her 12 weeks!!! Lagi awal dari kamilah ni, hehehe. Told me that she has gained some weight, memang nampak berisi skit dah dia. Saya ni bila nak gain weight, risau gak sebab berat tak bertambah pun. Normal ke ni? I'm now in my 2 months (60days). I pray that my baby is in the finest condition every single day insyaAllah. :-) Lately muntah-muntah & loya dah kurang sikit. My lower back pain has lessen too. Alhamdulillah.
And yesterday, we went to Sunway Pyramid to watch the Bond movie. I think the first Daniel-Craig-as-Bond movie is waaayyyyyyyy better. The movie is quite slow & boring and the action were not as thrilling/entertaining as the first one. Hehe luckily my eyes kept open till the movie ended. Kak Su my colleague said that Madagascar is the best so I think we should go watch it next week.

Husband & I will be going to PD with my family during the weekend before AidilAdha. My mom has booked a 4 bedroom penthouse at Regency Tanjung Tuan, PD for for two nights. I hope it'll be a great holslah eventho it's just a short one. But this time tak boleh nak naik banana boat sebab saya dah pregnant. Every yearlah kami ke PD yg dekat tu sebab adik-adik pun cuti sekejap je, my sis lepas raya haji kena terus balik kampus ada training Palapes. Both of my brothers pun masing-masinglah ada aktiviti macam-macamlah in campus during hols. And they always prefer going to the (nearest) beach for cuti-cuti. At first, I told my mom to book rooms at Selesa Beach Reasort, next to Regency because that's where we stayed last year. But Selesa is fully-booked. Hopefully, the penthouse is as nice as Selesa (it better be much nicer!).
Ok, I think thats all. Will update with pictures later.
ahahaha..kalo gatal gak nak naik banana boat tuu..xtau laa nak ckp ape kak..
my dear, kamu kena ada readers yg berjutaaaaaaaaa utk buktikan pd faiz :)
good luck bebeh
hahahahaha. yelah aku tak gatal nak naik banana.
ok shera, i'll take ur challenge! hehe ;-) aku akan buktikan pada encik faiz dan kamu cik!
wah! new entry for new side. Selamat mencuba mummy to be..
Hah jangan nak ngade ngade naik banana boat tuh.. kalau teringin sangat nak naik, naik dalam mimpi je.. ;p
by the way sorry cikcah ade tournament bowling mase kowang datang umah.. sorry..;p
yup cik cah keep on wishing me luck! tapi betullah blogger ni tak sebest wordpress.kite tengok berapa lama saya boleh bertahan. tulah haritu pak ude kate kamu pi men bowling.
wa rugi rase kalau x naik banana boat.hehehe.tengok kat tepi laut jelah nanti.
wah new place, back to blogspot yaa..hehe..cik mizah makan byk sikit ye utk bayi kamu n jaga kesihatan. tadi baru borak2 ngan colleagues yg pregnant (ada a few), aku pesan tgk la movie puas2 kat cinema before baby keluar sbb lepas bersalin maybe xde peluang nak g tgk dah kat wayang melainkan beli dvd tgk kat rumah je..hehehe..
kite tgk survey2 nih...pasal wordpress+nuffnag.
i saw this one blog bole letak nuffnag after she change her blog to
nk tanye die la camne die buek ;)
tuan doktor shu - thanks dear! yeee, aku try makan byk ni.tapi kan selalu sangat tak boleh habis,boleh makan separuh je.aku rasa sebab perut aku skrg mcm slalu masuk angin.oh pastu kan haritu tgk movie,aku mcm risau gak sebab sound effect kuat sgt aku tutup perut sbb takut baby terkejut dengar dentuman & tembakan yg terlalu kuat.hehehe.
kak kopi - a'ah try jela tanya kak.takpun maybe die beli domain sendiri kot bukan WP.
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