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Monday, January 26, 2009

Surprise surprise!

My favourite lil’ guy, Adham is in town right now. So, for these few days, my husband & I are gonna sleepover at Mama’s house. Woke up very early (at least for us!!) this morning sebab dah janji nak main bola dengan anak buah kesayangan Pak Ngah tu dari sebelum tidor malam tadi.
Adham dah kurus!! Sebab baru baik dari demam. Tapi, yang pasti dia dah makin meninggi.

Yesterday, we went to Rawang to attend encik husband’s friend, Alfie’s wedding at the bride's side. Arrived a little late, luckily the place was easy to find. Pengantin berarak bawah pedang.. Hai, kalaulah husband saya ni di kampus dulu tak malas nak gi practice Palapes dan tak stop dari first sem, mesti masa saya kahwin dulu dah lalu bawah pedang dah.. hehe. Oh and I met Denise! (of course I still remember you, Den..) & Kak Yaya there too. Their partners happened to know Alfie as well.
My husband said that he looked so kembang in this picture. Sorry sayang, but you've gained weight more than your wife does! Its ok, I still love you more than anything no matter what.

Aannnndddd… I would like to announce the good news we’ve just received yesterday. :-) The doctor has confirmed the gender of our baby!

We are expecting a baby PRINCESS!!

Alhamdulillah.. I think she’s gonna be a Daddy’s girl – just like Kakak Amni (Pinat’s baby) or Kakak Humaira, Murni’s daughter. And Aunties, bolehlah survey-survey cute dresses for baby girl ok?? The baby grows very well in mummy's tummy. We were very surprised when the doc said, " Haa, baby girl ni!". Since the symptoms that I had were more to 'baby boy symptoms'.. ye ke? Our baby is bigger than ever each time, sangat happy tengok baby sihat & grows accordingly - exactly 18wks & 3 days today. Estimated due date bila doctor ukur pun tak lari banyak - 25th June, from 26th the last time scanned.. makin cepat sehari.

And Mek, bolehlah anak kamu nak ngorat sebab anak aku perempuan rupanya..

Earlier on, both of us have agreed on in naming the baby, that if the baby is a boy, his name will be Muhamad followed by some name starts with 'H' (taken from Mama’s name), which followed by another name starting with 'F' (Papa’s name) and the other way around if the baby is a girl. So, at the moment, what Mama has in mind is Nur Farihah Husna which means cahaya yang gembira & menyenangkan –if I’m not mistaken. Right now, we only have Pa&Ma mags as a reference for names with good Islamic meaning. I have to find the book ‘Nama-nama Pilihan Dalam Islam’ somewhere soonest possible, so we can have ample time to review & decide the best name for our daughter.

This is my latest picture with the bulging tummy especially for you, Mell.
Ok, dekat pukul 2 dah. Nak solat, dan tidooo. Esok nak pergi zoo dengan Adham!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the latest facts u need to know

  1. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo glad & relieved knowing that Faizal Tahir didn't win the Juara Lagu 23 last Sunday!! My husband & I were screaming & jumping like crazzzyyy when the MCs announced Meet Uncle Hussein as the winner. Same here, Mell! I feel like doing the same to him! Arrgghhh!
  2. The internet connection in the office is still being blocked till God-knows-when. :-( Demn I'm stresssssed ok!
  3. Oh but I managed to exchange a few juicy stories on something with the girls thru email today hahahaha! Mari sambung gossip early morning tomorrow ok!!! Rasa nak gelaklahhh puuhleaseeeee..
  4. These few weeks, I noticed that I can easily get over-emotional over something. Seperti contoh Faizal Tahir menang kategori persembahan terbaik (wth??) & cerita daripada-bestfriend-saya-yang-u-know-what yang panaaassss itu hari ini.
  5. Dua daripada rakan saya Pn Dila & Pn Aien akan bersalin dalam masa terdekat ini. Saya tak sabar-sabar nak melihat baby-baby yang bakal keluar dari perut buncit mereka.
  6. Can't wait for the checkup this coming Saturday. Doakan babyku akan tunjukkan dirinya yang sebenar insyaAllah.. Will post a picture with the bulging tummy later ok sebab dalam masa beberapa hari ini perut saya telah membesar dengan jayanya. Kamu semua tak pernah lagi tengok gambar saya berperut buncit. I'm no longer ramping but I'm still nowhere near gemoks.
  7. Due date for the outstanding payment untuk rumah baru telah lepas & saya perlu bersedia mengorbankan wang bonus buat seberapa banyaknya. Hopefully we'll be getting more or at least equal to the previous year.
Ok till I have the mood to update again.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The weekly update

The Internet in my office has been down for two days, for godsake! I’m telling u, I can go crazzzyyyy maaannn for not getting any internet fix during office hour!! This is all because of the goddamn virus infection that’s going around. Mati kutu tau tak boleh buat apa-apa (read: bloghopping, surfing, chatting) argghh! Bagai cacing kepanasan saya di ofis, walaupun sebenarnya sejuk yang amat. Nampak sangat takde keje kan?

Harini first time pakai tudung Ekin (tudung Ariani) ke ofis. Thanks to Athirah for making me feel I-have-TO-HAVE-one! Mula-mula haritu gi window-shopping dengan encik husband kat Subang Parade. Tanya di satu booth ni, harga tudung Ekin kat situ tu RM90! But the material memang sangat cantik & best. Tapi, takdelah saya beli tudung tu. Too expensive for me. Tapi this weekend nak ke Subang Parade lagi, sebab nak borong seluar yang amat menyelesakan tu. Baru ada satu kaler hitam. Ingat nak beli kaler pink & blue & white. Seksa sangat nak pilih seluar/skirt/baju kurung ke ofis sekarang, sebab semua dah tak boleh zip atau bila pakai rasa tak selesa sangat. Same here, Mommy Dina!

Oh and Kak Azreen, my sis-in-law dah tau gender baby dalam perut dia! Lelaki lagi! Nampaknya Adham akan menjadi ketua kepada adik & adik sedara dia. Can’t wait for the checkup in 2 weeks time, hopefully baby boleh tunjuk pada Mama & Papa dia boy ke girl, InsyaAllah.. Bila dah tau, bolehlah auntie-auntie semua bersiap-sedia dengan hadiah untuk baby ye.

Went to Yana’s wedding in PD last weekend. Congratulations to Pn Yana yang dah tak sabar-sabar u know what. I don’t have any pictures since the camera battery died on me, forgot to charge it before we went out. Arrived late! But nasib dapat makan, hehehe. Memang crazzzyyyy kalau jumpa SSPians! Suara masing-masing macam halilintar, tak boleh nak cakap slow, mesti kena jerit-jerit kan? Hahaha. I’d like to quote my husband on this– we were in the PD highway when Athirah called asking where on earth were us & a few minutes later, Hani asked for the direction to rumah Yana, so frankly said, memang kitorang cakap macam KUAT giler (hampir-hampir nak jerit).
Sayang ni kan kalau cakap dengan kawan-kawan memang takleh ek kalau tak cakap kuat-kuat, jerit-jerit?
See? And so I said, “Tahlah yang, dah biasalah cakap kecoh-kecoh macam ni, bukan jerit pun”. SSPians should agree on this ok!

Many did turned up – muka-muka yang paling lama tak jumpa = Ina! & Zatil. So now I’m asking for Athirah DSLR pics (Thirah jangan malas resize ok yang!) and to everybody else with camera that day (Shera, Cipah, Hani) to kindly send me /share the pics especially gambar ramai-ramai dengan pengantin. Pics cilok from Fizz's FB. :-)

Selamat Pengantin Baru, Yana!With my two little sisters, Fizz & Erin
Tak nampak pulak perut buncit kat gambar ni

Ok, on Shera's-been-robbed stories. I got these below pics from her, and this was how her car looked like after the 'letup-cermin-ragut-handbag' incident. Seram!!! The con guy somehow blew up the window with sumthing, bukan setakat pecahkan pakai batu or kayu or anything. Tapi, nasib baik tak berderai sebab cermin tinted. Nasib juga kamu tak luka, cik Sher! Kesian kamu.. *hugs*

Nampaknya sebahagian daripada duit gaji Shera perlu dispend untuk repair cermin kereta, demn u perompak!

So girls, please be more careful after this. You could be robbed even when you’re in your own car. And, if you are driving alone, don’t put your handbag at the passenger’s seat next to you. Letak di bawah kaki passenger seat ataupun di atas hand-break/ space between the driver & passenger's seat. Ada juga kes macam ni bila stop masa lampu merah di traffic light. Macam-macam kan orang-orang jahat ni boleh buat?

Ok, till then. Baby dalam perut dah ajak tidor ni. :-)

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Shocking news - Fourth month - Baby

I'm too lazy to update this blog these few weeks. :-(

But waaaaahhh..berita gempar ni, around 7pm today I received an sms from Shera, telling that she has just been robbed in her own car! Takut giler ok! Alhamdulillah she is fine & not hurt, but I guess you're still shocked, right? Kesian kamu.. Hugs to you sayang. Emm patutnya boleh dapat compassionate leave esok ni. Dahlah baru jumpa makcik ni kat rumah hari Jumaat lepas. Aku baru cerita kat mak mertuaku ni Sher, 'Kawan Mizah yang datang bawak Myvi haritu kena ragut tadi'. Terkejut dia.

I'm going to enter my fourth month of pregnancy in a few days time. Kejap je masa berlalu, Alhamdulillah setakat ni takde masalah sangat dengan baby ni. Baby baik sangat, walaupun kalau time dia lapar tu rasa berdenyut-denyut je perut ni. And since the last checkup (when we finally saw the baby's figure clearly), both of us has started talking to the baby & we agreed to call ourselves Papa & Mama. Encik husband pun dah pandai cakap-cakap dengan baby. Tak sabar nak jumpa Adham raya Cina ni!! Nak tanya dia dalam perut dia ada apa. Haritu acik Lina cakap, Adham kata dalam perut Mama dia ada adik. Dalam perut Adham? Ada oni-oni!(means cacing).. hehehehe..

Oh baru teringat Pa&Ma bulan ni belum beli lagi!

Ok, so I haven't tell my year 2009 resolutions kan? I do have a few.. :-)
  1. Be the BEST & the most loving wife & companion to encik husband, insyaAllah..
  2. Be the BEST mother to our baby..
  3. Make sure that my Mastercard & Visa accounts balance = RM0 or at least atau paling busuk pun hutang RM400 je every month (so far boleh buat..berusahalah!)
  4. Berbelanja lebih untuk baby, bersederhana untuk diri sendiri + suami..
I can't wait for the good things that are gonna happen this year too..
- moving into our new crib! Sekarang ni tengah busy mengejar lawyer & bank for loan disbursement. Harap-harap tak banyak sangatlah kena interest sebab macam tak sempat je loan release by middle of January. I hope we can collect the keys by end of month. Tak sabar nak cari furniture & etc for the new house. Setakat ni dah banyak surveylah.
- giving birth to our baby angel, moga-moga dipermudahkan semuanya, Amin.. Tak sabar jugak nak start beli barang-barang untuk baby! Stroller - baby cot - baju-bajuan & every little thing else.

I'm going to cik Yana's wedding in PD this Saturday. Dah gatal sangat nak kawen dia ni!!! See you guys soon ye.. Yana, aku macam tak percaya yg aku masih ingat lagi betapa sedapnya Milo ais yang kamu buat untuk kitorang (aku,Ili,Shera,Hani) masa tidor kat rumah kamu 10 tahun yang lalu!!!! Adakah Milo ais ko tu still sedap sampai sekarang?

Ok, till then. :-)

P.s : Pero, ingatkan aku email kamu pukul 10 pagi ok.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New year entry

First of all, I'm wishing Selamat Tahun Baru Hijrah & Masihi to all. I look forward for greater achievement this year, InsyaAllah. May our life always be upon Allah's blessing, especially with the baby coming.. Amin.

Ok, so I'm updating on my trip to Kuala Terengganu last weekend. The night before, we kept reminding each other to wake up early the next morning so boleh bergerak awal & sampai awal di KT. Tapi, akhirnya jam 12 tengahari juga baru kami bertolak dari Shah Alam.
On our way to KT, near Rantau Abang. We stopped in Chukai and I had the best sata & otak-otak eve here! Serius rasa macam sedap giler! Masa mula-mula sampai at the very packed gerai otak-otak tu; I was like waahhh, sedap mana sata ni, sebab atas meja semua orang kat situ bertimbun-timbun kulit sata & otak-otak. So, I said to encik husband to just order 'sepasang kecik' = two small plates of sata & otak-otak. Dan, tanpa disangka kami berjaya habiskan 2 pinggan tu dalam masa beberapa minit je. Dan terus order pinggan kedua. Sedaaapppp gilerrrrr!!! Tapi, yang sedihnya, on the way home from KT, kami tak dapat merasa sata buat kali kedua. lambat sangat sampai kedai tu around 6pm sebab stuck dalam traffic light jam dekat pekan Kemaman dan sata semua dah habis. Kesian baby dalam perut, nanti bila lagi kita nak merasa sata tu ye? Encik husband kata; 'Ala kat pasar malam Seksyen 6 kan ada jual sata, nanti kita beli kat situ jela.' Wahhh sedihnya, mestilah dah tak feeling macam makan sata di tepi laut Terengganu!

We arrived in KT around 7.30pm. And we even got lost on our way finding the airport. The chalet that we stayed situated very near to the airport. Rupanya kena cross bridge besar dulu. Nasib baik jumpa. KT's signboards were very confusing.

Woke up not so early the next morning. The boys (Encik husband's friends ) just arrived in KT that morning & we went out for breakfast at the nearby stall. Frust sangat sebab selama berada di Terengganu, saya tak dapat merasa nasi dagang langsung! Dua-dua hari keluar breakfast, sampai kedai nasi dagang dah abis. I told encik husband; 'Orang-orang Terengganu ni bangun awal sangat kot, tak macam orang KL'. Jam baru pukul 9, nasi dagang nasi kerabu semua dah abis. Kalau kat KL, breakfast pukul 10 pun nasi lemak banyak lagi. Betul tak?

These are a few pictures of us visiting the Monument Park of Taman Tamadun Islam. We rented bikes to tour around it. Don't worry, I rode it very carefully tau, lagipun ada bodyguard tengokkan.
Nampak tak perut dah buncit sikit?
My bodyguard
Nampak sangat kecik, nasib baik tak kena tangkap dengan guard dia, sebab patutnya sentuh monumen pun tak boleh!
Looking around at the replica of Masjidil Haram

In the afternoon, we attended Ana's wedding at her hubby's side. Ana looked verrryyyy pretty in blue, and her dress were soooo cantekk! Congrats to Ana, may Allah bless both of you & may your love to each other remains till the end of time.Later that night, we went out for a big dinner with encik husband's friends. Thanks to Alfie (or Zul?) for the treat!!Ok, my husband wants to go home now - I'm at my MIL's house. Will update more later.