Baby Girl's weight the last time I checked (last Tuesday) is 1.8 kgs. Means, baby cuma naik 0.2kg since the last two weeks. Yang membuatkan saya agak risau sikit. Doc kata, berat baby ok but still at the low side. Sepatutnya, sekarang berat baby dah 2.0kgs. Hopefully, baby akan bertambah berat dalam minggu-minggu terakhir ni. Anak Mama, makan banyak-banyak ye dalam perut ni. :-)
Ok, my husband dah ajak balik rumah ni. I'm at my MILs. Will be going back to Seremban this Sunday, nak celebrate Mother's Day. So, to my mother-friends, especially Mek Mur, Kak Aien, Pn Shu Tisyia, Pn Dilanun and to the mother-to-bes too, Happy Mother's Day Darlings!
P.s: Lots more to update on the preparation for the baby. A little later, ok?
P.s.s: Thanks a lot Auntie Shera, for u-know-what! We love you THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS much!
P.s.s.s: Banyak sangat plan nak dijalankan esok!
hepi mother's day gak kat kamu.. awwww kamu sgt seksi ngan perut camtu..
dear mummy mizah,
baby gurl growing very fast dalam tummy. Baru nampak tummy kamu chomellll.
happy mothers days!
mummy mizahhhhhhhhhhhh
boleh x anak kamu panggil aku kak shera instead of auntie shera?
pls take good care f urself...and this time..exta care ok?
waa besonye perut mu~!hehehe..cute btol..mmg anak gugurl lah..mama nmpk cantik!
Few more weeks to go. Do roger us once dh deliver k. Saye doakn semenye dipermudahkn.
Visit my blog & tgk gelagat Mukhlis, u'll feel much2 more x sabar to see ur baby, hihi.
so hot la u seeemollll!! :P
and less than 6okgs some more!!tsk tsk (T_T) superlove la darling.can't wait for lil princess to come out soon!! take care ok! xx
mama mizah..xsbrnye nak prot camtu..
ko cute sgt weh..
awww...pose kalini lebih comel ok sbb tummy dh membesar :D
take care, mizah!
thanks darlingsss!!!
-Mek Mur, Cik Cah, Sheraku, Mommy Hot a.k.a Umiecharm, Ibu Mukhlis, Chunkie, Ana Cantek & Kakak Kopiku!!
saye sangat tak menyempat nak bukak blog apetah lagi mengapprove dan mereply comments! hihihihi.. thanks for the compliment! :-) insyaAllah moga baby gurl pun secomel mamanyeeee..
me myself cudnt wait for the baby to come out too!!! pray for me ok!
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