1) Our condoThe renovation is nearly completed. Really can't wait for everything to be finished, especially when its going to be JUNE in two weeks time! Saya beranak bulan Jun ni! Cepatlah semua siap, tak sabar nak masuk rumah macam-macam nak kene setelkan ni. The contractor had promised to finish everything in a month. Haritu encik husband sign quotation - 16 April. Patutnya harini, 16 May semua dah siap. Tapi, contractor mintak sampai Selasa ni nak buat final touch-up & bersihkan sisa-sisa/sampah-sampah kerja-kerja pertukangan/pengecatan semua tu. So, oklah - bagi can, asal semua elok &
in perfect condition. Encik husband dah tak sabar nak basuh rumah ni. Saya pun tak sabar nak tengok encik husband basuh rumah. ;-) Saya jadi mandur je tau! Lagipun last week dah konfem furniture delivery will be on this coming Saturday. Tak sabarnya nak penuhkan rumah.. hehehe. Oh dan kami pun dah tempah langsir juga! Akan siap this coming Saturday jugak. Waahhh memang pengalaman berharga ok pergi tempah langsir sendiri, sampai 4 jam duduk membelek dan memahami & mempelajari konsep me
langsirkan rumah dengan sales assistant kat situ.
These are the latest pics on our condo reno progress:-

Tak sabar nak memasak di dapur baru..hehe

Our dining area
2) Our Baby Girl!
This is the best preps of all. Dan harini Mama & Papa dah berjaya membeli hampir kesemua barang keperluan untuk Baby. Now the Baby (& Mama's)
must-buy (at the moment) list turned into this:-
- Baby Cot - checked!
- Stroller - checked!
- Baby car seat
- Spectra 3 breast pump - to be bought online latest this Monday!
- Blankets, pillows, bolsters, mattress - checked!
- Bottles - checked!
- Bath tub - checked!
- and a few other little things
Ni semua tak masuk baju-bajuan Baby. Btw, to Auntie Shera - Mama ada beli tau baju-baju untuk Baby. Sapa kata Mama takde beli apa-apa barang untuk Baby before ni?
Auntie Shera, these are half of it. :-)Actually, I have a wish list. Of which would definitely comes true ESPECIALLY with
the kindest help from the dearly people as follows..hehehe. Maafkan saya kerana terlalu berterus terang. ;-)
- Cik Shera (eh dah kot?)
- Cik Athirah
- Puan Aisyah Fairuz
- Puan Anem
- Puan Kopi
- Mama Umie Hot
- Cik Bakal Puan Mira
- Cik Cousin Aisya
- Cik Cousin Hida
- Cik Erin + Cik Bakal Puan Fizz
- Cik MELL please!
Its not a very long wish list by the way, but for now, let me just reveal one of it..hehe.
- A playmat.
* Picture courtesy of Google Images
I still couldn't confirmed which hospital I would go to deliver the baby. I have 2 options now, its either Hospital Putrajaya, or An-Nur Bangi. I've already registered at Putrajaya, and have just had my first checkup at 34 weeks! at An-Nur last week. They said that in order to deliver the baby there, I should have at least three checkups with the doctor starting from the 34 weeks. Met Dr. Khamsiah - a very nice & very informative lady doctor - and for the first time, I finally saw my daughter's face. Alhamdulillah, Dr Kham confirmed that our Baby Girl is in perfect condition. Air ketuban cukup, uri pun perfect. Baby pun dah berada di position terbaik sekarang. Alhamdulillah.. Habis check-up, masuk-masuk kereta, cepat-cepat call encik husband (I went alone that day), pastu terus nangis. Sebab rasa terharu sangat dapat tengok muka baby. Baby sangat comel macam Mama, and of course macam Papa jugak.
I'm going to spend my confinement period at my mom's house in Seremban. So, kalau-kalau rakan-rakan nak melawat, bolehlah datang ke Seremban ye, kalau tak sempat menjenguk di hospital. Kalau tiada kesempatan nak ke Seremban, bolehlah tunggu Mama & Baby balik ke Puchong dalam masa 2 bulan selepas delivery date.
Eh ok, will continue tomorrow ok darlings!