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Monday, May 25, 2009

My 9th Month Entry

Wahhh I took so loonggg to update! :-) Much things happened since last week. Yang penting, pertama-tamanya saya masih selamat di sini dengan perut yang besar ni. My latest pic?
This was at the office last Friday, we celebrated Aza's birthday (thats why the KFC Barrel). And proud to tell you guys I'm officially 62kgs! Hehehe! I'm pretty sure Baby Girl has gained weight a lot too (harap-harap sangat!) tapi kalau boleh taknak lebih 3kgs! :-) I'll go for my 36th week check-up at An-Nur this coming Thursday. Doa-doakan semua ok yek! Because all I can say now, I've started getting more intense Braxton Hicks contraction since last week. Serious risau giler especially when I heard story from my cousin, Amal who gave birth to her baby girl two weeks in advance! Dan boleh tak, dia tak sedar pun dia dah contraction every ten minutes (she was at An-Nur, seeing the doctor for her 38th week check-up) until the doctor told her so! Dan dia dah dilate 3cm!! Dia cakap tak rasa sakit pun cuma rasa perut keras macam biasa & baby aktif menendang, which felt exactly macam Braxton Hicks yg biasa saya rasakan sekarang ni! Doctor terus tahan di ward, and just four hours later, Puteri is born! A few friends, Mira & Sher! pun ada cakap pasal kawan-kawan yang terdeliver awal. Saya sangat cuak! I keep telling Baby Girl to give Papa & Mama at least another two weeks for both of us to get ourselves ready with everything.. :-) Dua minggu awal takpelah ye, Sayang Mama..

Dan malam tadi jugak, immediately saya packing up my hospital bag! :-D Luckily I washed all the baby clothes & towels & blankets & every little thing else on Saturday. Oh satu lagi tertinggal nak basuh - napkin baby.
My hospital bag is ready!
Bag Mama besar sangat, so Baby share bag dengan Mama jelah ye.

Kawan-kawan tersayang, tolong doakan agar sahabatmu yang comel & sarat ini dipermudahkan segalanya dari awal hingga akhir ye. InsyaAllah.. Amin :-) I can't wait to give birth to our princess tapi macam biasalah, perasaan takut tu masih menyelubungi diri ini.

Our new place called HOME - Moving In : Part I

Last Saturday, most of the furnitures we bought were delivered to our condo. Sofa + dining set + wardrobes for two rooms = rumah dah penuh! My parents + brothers came by to help with the cleaning ups.
Rumah sebaik sahaja usai dibasuh oleh Encik Husband
Sesudah furniture baru masuk. Encik Husband sibuk membalut marble table dia sebab contractor nak touch up sikit lagi di sini & sana.

This weekend, kami plan nak habiskan bawa furniture rumah sekarang yang nak dibawa ke rumah baru. Oh plus the new tv & fridge! Encik Husband kata kalau semua ok bolehlah start tidur rumah baru next week. Kenduri rumah insyaAllah nak buat lepas Baby Girl lahir & Mama habis pantang. 2-3 hari ni kenalah start baca Yasin & mengaji di rumah baru.

Ok? Korang, seriusssssssssss saya sangat cuak sekarang! Doakan Mizah & Baby Girl ye..

Till then. If time permits. Dan jika saya belum bersalin lagi. InsyaAllah.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


1) Our condo

The renovation is nearly completed. Really can't wait for everything to be finished, especially when its going to be JUNE in two weeks time! Saya beranak bulan Jun ni! Cepatlah semua siap, tak sabar nak masuk rumah macam-macam nak kene setelkan ni. The contractor had promised to finish everything in a month. Haritu encik husband sign quotation - 16 April. Patutnya harini, 16 May semua dah siap. Tapi, contractor mintak sampai Selasa ni nak buat final touch-up & bersihkan sisa-sisa/sampah-sampah kerja-kerja pertukangan/pengecatan semua tu. So, oklah - bagi can, asal semua elok & in perfect condition. Encik husband dah tak sabar nak basuh rumah ni. Saya pun tak sabar nak tengok encik husband basuh rumah. ;-) Saya jadi mandur je tau! Lagipun last week dah konfem furniture delivery will be on this coming Saturday. Tak sabarnya nak penuhkan rumah.. hehehe. Oh dan kami pun dah tempah langsir juga! Akan siap this coming Saturday jugak. Waahhh memang pengalaman berharga ok pergi tempah langsir sendiri, sampai 4 jam duduk membelek dan memahami & mempelajari konsep melangsirkan rumah dengan sales assistant kat situ.

These are the latest pics on our condo reno progress:-
Tak sabar nak memasak di dapur baru..hehe
Our dining area

2) Our Baby Girl!

This is the best preps of all. Dan harini Mama & Papa dah berjaya membeli hampir kesemua barang keperluan untuk Baby. Now the Baby (& Mama's) must-buy (at the moment) list turned into this:-
  1. Baby Cot - checked!
  2. Stroller - checked!
  3. Baby car seat
  4. Spectra 3 breast pump - to be bought online latest this Monday!
  5. Blankets, pillows, bolsters, mattress - checked!
  6. Bottles - checked!
  7. Bath tub - checked!
  8. and a few other little things
Ni semua tak masuk baju-bajuan Baby. Btw, to Auntie Shera - Mama ada beli tau baju-baju untuk Baby. Sapa kata Mama takde beli apa-apa barang untuk Baby before ni?
Auntie Shera, these are half of it. :-)

Actually, I have a wish list. Of which would definitely comes true ESPECIALLY with the kindest help from the dearly people as follows..hehehe. Maafkan saya kerana terlalu berterus terang. ;-)
  1. Cik Shera (eh dah kot?)
  2. Cik Athirah
  3. Puan Aisyah Fairuz
  4. Puan Anem
  5. Puan Kopi
  6. Mama Umie Hot
  7. Cik Bakal Puan Mira
  8. Cik Cousin Aisya
  9. Cik Cousin Hida
  10. Cik Erin + Cik Bakal Puan Fizz
  11. Cik MELL please!
Its not a very long wish list by the way, but for now, let me just reveal one of it..hehe.
  1. A playmat.
    * Picture courtesy of Google Images

I still couldn't confirmed which hospital I would go to deliver the baby. I have 2 options now, its either Hospital Putrajaya, or An-Nur Bangi. I've already registered at Putrajaya, and have just had my first checkup at 34 weeks! at An-Nur last week. They said that in order to deliver the baby there, I should have at least three checkups with the doctor starting from the 34 weeks. Met Dr. Khamsiah - a very nice & very informative lady doctor - and for the first time, I finally saw my daughter's face. Alhamdulillah, Dr Kham confirmed that our Baby Girl is in perfect condition. Air ketuban cukup, uri pun perfect. Baby pun dah berada di position terbaik sekarang. Alhamdulillah.. Habis check-up, masuk-masuk kereta, cepat-cepat call encik husband (I went alone that day), pastu terus nangis. Sebab rasa terharu sangat dapat tengok muka baby. Baby sangat comel macam Mama, and of course macam Papa jugak.

I'm going to spend my confinement period at my mom's house in Seremban. So, kalau-kalau rakan-rakan nak melawat, bolehlah datang ke Seremban ye, kalau tak sempat menjenguk di hospital. Kalau tiada kesempatan nak ke Seremban, bolehlah tunggu Mama & Baby balik ke Puchong dalam masa 2 bulan selepas delivery date.

Eh ok, will continue tomorrow ok darlings!

Friday, May 08, 2009

On Mama & her Baby Girl

Ok. I didn't update much about Baby Girl lately, right? Kesian cayang Mama ni. Let's see how Mama looks like in her 33 weeks.
I'm still unbelievably below 60kgs. Tapi rasanya, dah berat sangat dah badan ni. Bila jalan pun slow je tak larat nak jalan laju-laju. Kaki memang dah bengkak air dahlah. And I've been getting Braxton Hicks contractions since the last two to three weeks. Which I was not too sure at first. Tapi, bila explain pada doc, dia kata 'Yes, its Braxton Hicks'. Rasa macam perut jadi keras & tegang & ketat giler. Mula-mula macam risau, takut macam baby sakit ke kenapa perut Mama jadi keras ni. And starting from this week, I'm going for check-up once in every two weeks time until my 36th week. Maknanya, dah sangat tak lamaaaa jeeeee lagi ni saya nak bersalin!!!! Saya sangat cuak!! Dan saya tengah rasa Brax Hicks sekarang ni!

Baby Girl's weight the last time I checked (last Tuesday) is 1.8 kgs. Means, baby cuma naik 0.2kg since the last two weeks. Yang membuatkan saya agak risau sikit. Doc kata, berat baby ok but still at the low side. Sepatutnya, sekarang berat baby dah 2.0kgs. Hopefully, baby akan bertambah berat dalam minggu-minggu terakhir ni. Anak Mama, makan banyak-banyak ye dalam perut ni. :-)

Ok, my husband dah ajak balik rumah ni. I'm at my MILs. Will be going back to Seremban this Sunday, nak celebrate Mother's Day. So, to my mother-friends, especially Mek Mur, Kak Aien, Pn Shu Tisyia, Pn Dilanun and to the mother-to-bes too, Happy Mother's Day Darlings!

P.s: Lots more to update on the preparation for the baby. A little later, ok?

P.s.s: Thanks a lot Auntie Shera, for u-know-what! We love you THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS much!

P.s.s.s: Banyak sangat plan nak dijalankan esok!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Preparation for Our New House - Part II

We've been spending our weekend at my MIL's house since Thursday. Porch rumah kami dipinjam oleh Auntie Rose (jiran sebelah) untuk letak barang-barang & jadi tempat caterer prepared the food for her daughter, Kak Nana's khatam quran & akad nikah ceremony. The akad was on Friday morning, Mama & Abah saja yang pergi. Encik husband & I stayed at home menunggu mak-mak & pak-pak sedara yang nak datang ke rumah, sebab the elderlies dah janji nak ke rumah another relatives' daughter's wedding together after Solat Jumaat. Mula-mula kami dah plan jugak nak keluar paginya, nak survey fridge di HSL, as suggested by Suraya. Kamu kata HSL paling murah ye? Tapi, HSL Taipan USJ tak best langsung. Sebab :-
  1. Sampai-sampai situ, tengok macam takde orang je masuk kedai ni e.g kereta parking depan kedai macam tak banyak. So, my first impression was - mesti mahal!
  2. Senyap sunyi gila kedai tu macam boring je - at least pasanglah lagu ke, baru semangat sikit orang nak membeli.. Boleh terima ke? ;-)
  3. Sales person asyik ikut tapi senyap je takde cakap/promote pape. Macam nak taknak je/tak reti jual barang.
Ok, there are three types of sales person. Satu, yang suka ikut customer dan terlalu banyak cakap. Orang tanya satu patah, dia jawab 20-30 patah. Orang tak tanya pape, dia dah sibuk terangkan ini itu dan terlalu memaksa untuk beli produk di kedai dia. Ni memang tak best. Dua, yang mengekor dari masuk kedai sampai keluar kedai, takde cakap apa-apa pada customer, tak promote apa-apa barang / tak tanya nak beli atau cari apa. Yang tak kisah customer langsung pun masuk dalam kategori ni. The last one, kategori sales person yang terbaik iaitu pandai mengambil hati customer, explains everything very well, menjawab bila ditanya, tidak memaksa customer beli barang di kedai dia dan give some space to the customers untuk discuss hati ke hati suami isteri. Hehehehe.

And finally, after a few weeks of surveying/deliberating the pros & cons of each available brands hehehe, we ended up buying 320L Sharp fridge & an Alpha water heater at another electrical shop in Taipan, Onking. Yang pasti, di luar kedai itu ada banyak kereta (means harga boleh tahan sebab ramai orang datang). Sharp fridge, because for the range yang kami nak > 300-340L, itu yang ada tempered glass shelves. Toshiba Hybrid Plasma 310L, bukan tempered glass shelves. Encik husband was asking at one time, nak Hyrid Plasma ke nak tempered glass shelves? Akhirnya, saya memilih tempered glass shelves. We nearly get our hands on the Toshiba Hybrid Plasma 350L, sebab yang itu tempered glass. Tapi, rasa-rasa macam over budget kot. Lepas tu, terus terbeli Alpha water heater. Mula-mula, plan taknak beli yang built-in pump, sebab nak save budget sikit. Tapi, bila tengok harga macam ok giler kat kedai ni disertai dengan kata-kata pengaruh yang meyakinkan daripada sales person itu, teruslah tersambar satu. Terima kasih kepada encik husband kerana keputusan yang menggembirakan itu & wang semua di tangannya. Dan silalah datang membeli di Onking Chain-Store, ok?

Yesterday, was full of attending wedding receptions. Kak Nana's at Dewan SUK, Shah Alam & Uncle Zahrin daughter's at Setiawangsa.
Tengoklah perut saya yang besar itu!

Harini sepatutnya dalam plan kami cumalah nak membeli air-cond dan cermin & shelves for bathrooms. We succesfully bought 2 units of new model or York air-cond; which most of the shops we went claimed it to be among the best brand for air-conditioner, besides Daikin & Panasonic. Sepatutnya, lepas tu kami membeli cermin.
*Credit to Google Images

Tapi, apa yang telah kami bawa balik di seat belakang kereta adalah ini! *Arrggghhhh*
Takpe, ia telah dibeli atas persetujuan bersama & dishare bayar oleh suami & isteri. Ini sepatutnya dibeli dalam masa 1-2 bulan akan datang. Tapi, promosi yang ditawarkan tidak boleh ditolak lagi. Terima kasih.

Jadi, list wajib kami telah menjadi seperti ini :-
  1. Air-cond = 2 unit ~bought!
  2. Water-heater = 1 unit ~bought!
  3. A new fridge, please!! :-) ~bought!
  4. Plus, an LCD TV.
Ok, agenda for next weekend will be:-
  • Cari kedai curtain - maybe ke Macy atau Mines.
  • Collect & settlekan balance payment for lamps.
  • Settlekan balance payment for living & dining set & confirmkan delivery date.
Kesimpulannya, persiapan berpindah ke rumah baru memang menyeronokkan. Tapi, sila bersiap-sedia dengan jumlah kos yang perlu dibelanjakan.

Ok? Till then. :-)