First of all, I would like to wish an old friend, Pn Radiyah & her husband, Selamat Pengantin Baru! Their wedding was on last Saturday- I missed it as I was in Jerantut with my family for another event. So Rad, if u read this – May Allah bless you guys & Moga kalian berbahagia hingga hujung nyawa. To Mira, kenduri kamu insyaAllah aku pasti akan hadirkan diri walaupun sedang begitu sarat dan menunggu hari. Sila sediakan door gift terrrrrrrrbaikkkkkkkkkkkk untuk aku, ok? Hehehehe…
Encik husband & I took a day-off last Friday to follow his parents to Jerantut (dasar malas nak drive kereta sendiri..hehe) to attend a cousin’s wedding – Sarah aka Toya. We woke up veryyyyyyyyyyy early on the Friday morning - tabik pada diri sendiri + diri suami, sebab nak ke bank membuat pengeluaran wang beribu-ribu (woow!) untuk settlement of late interest charge rumah baru kami. The loan is FINALLY disbursed on Monday last week..memang betul-betul penantian yang hampir tak berpenghujung. We were supposed to collect our house keys yesterday & paid the Developer our late interest charge. Tetapi, selepas campur tangan Abah atas isu late interest kami yang sangat banyak ni, both of us agreed to postpone our mission to get our hands on the house keys soonest possible to start with the kitchen renovation and every little thing else. Abah is trying to help us in getting the late interest waived – hopefully with a little help from the
veto power, we won’t have to spend even a single cent for the interest charge. Serius geram giler dengan Developer ni. Let us wait & see the outcome from Abah’s
interference in this issue. Eceewaah.. Kalau kes ni berpihak kepada kami, kami akan dedahkan kepincangan yang telah dilakukan pihak mereka! Hehe, macam Karam Singh Walia pulak dah. Oh by the way, we have ordered new furnitures for the house – living & dining room set. Sangat menggembirakan dan mengujakan!!!
The journey to Jerantut took less than 3 hours. Disebabkan saya masih tak biasa dengan highway Karak yg bersimpang-siur dan menakutkan itu (
is it just me?), saya tak boleh tidur sepanjang perjalanan, especially bila Abah pun drive laju giler macam nak race. Hehehe. Had our late lunch at one of the restaurant nearby our hotel. Dapat jugaklah merasa ikan patin masak tempoyak. Baru je paginya cakap kat encik Husband teringin nak makan patin– sebab ternampak ada iklan ikan patin masak tempoyak masa breakfast di Pasar Seksyen 6. Tercapai jua hasrat, walaupun bukanlah di gerai-gerai ikan patin yg gempak macam di Temerloh dan yang selalu keluar di Majalah 3 tu. Checked in and both of us had a nap sampai dekat Maghrib. Sangat letih, walaupun cuma duduk di seat belakang kereta. ;-)
The akad nikah ceremony was held on the next morning. So, that Friday night we went over to Sarah’s house for khatam Quran ceremony. Saya jumpa baby Farah! Baik sangat Farah ni tak nangis-nangis pun. Nanti boleh kawan dengan baby Mak Ngah ye.. Oh most probably our baby girl will be named - Izzah Humaira. But not yet finalized la. Boleh panggil Maira kan, macam anak Auntie Mur.
Izzah means
Kemuliaan, Kekuatan.
Humaira means
Putih Kemerah-merahan.

Baby Farah, my favourite baby girl!
These pics were taken during the wedding ceremony on Saturday.

My 2nd favourite guy, Adham came over during the weekend. Adham dah besar & sangat berat! Nasiblah dia ingat je kat Pak Ngah & Mak Ngah dia ni. Berat die 15kgs btw, sempat suruh dia naik atas bathroom scale tu nak tengok berat die berapa. Mak Ngah dah tak larat nak dukung dia dah.

My two favourite guys.. Manja betol dengan Pak Ngah!

Dengan Mak Ngah yg dah sama bulat dengan dia.

Masa ni Papa dia dah ajak balik. Muka sedih sebab baru bangun tidor. Sedaplah tidur atas perot Pak Ngah tu.

My latest pic, taken this evening, sebaik sahaja sampai rumah dari ofis petang tadi. Shera, cantik tak baju sayeeeee?? I'm in my 7th month & approximately (ecewah!) 62kgs. Rasanyelah sebab malas nak naik atas timbang berat. Masih comel kan? Tak nampak gemok sangat kan?
Ok, till then. Baby Humaira dah tendang-tendang perot Mama ajak balik rumah nak tidor ni (I'm at my MIL's)
To Mell - I miss u too darling.. *hugs*
To Shera - Good Luck for your interview tomorrow!