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Friday, February 20, 2009

While waiting for my husband..

I'm watching tv alone at my MIL's, Mama cooked & we had dinner here earlier. Encik husband has gone out for a game of futsal with his colleagues in USJ - another current favourite pastime besides pukul bola golf two-to-three times every week. Encik husband pun dah jarang jogging on weekends. Perut dia pun dah makin naik. Suka je nak laga perut dengan dia, tengok perut sapa lagi besar.

Baby girl is getting naughtier each day. She LOVES kicking & punching Mummy's tummy few times every single hour! In fact, she has just kicked me two times while I'm typing this. Hehe. :-) Alhamdulillah, Mummy is very glad that you are busily moving around inside there. I really love the feeling! Even when it keeps waking me up at night. Of course, I couldn't find any comfortable sleeping position anymore now, at least for the four-coming months. Oh and yes, finally my husband can feel our little girl's kicks too! I'm happy for your achievement, Sayang! ;-)

My friend, Pn Dila will start her maternity leave next week. She's going to give birth this weekend, insyaAllah. Baby Yusof, pls come out soon ok, jangan tangguh lagi! Her EDD is this Sunday. Good luck, babe! Cuak tak? Muahhahaahha.. Can't wait to receive an SMS from your number - 'Dila dah selamat bersalin etc..'.

I still need/want to :-
  1. Find Alice. My feet are hurting me. Or Clarks maybe?
  2. Buy more maternity clothes & pants.
Ok, till then. Take care guys.

P.s : I have problems with the internet connection during office hours nowadays. Sorry to u guys- our conversations always getting cut off since I constantly being logged out in the middle of our IMs.


dey said...

hah still x dapat alice? ooowh alice ni sgt comfy!!

n smalam aku jejalan masuk baby nyer department kat sini...tengok tengok jer....

kew_chop said...

paling tak suke time tido time peknen ni kan. semua rase tak selesa. nanti 3rd tri lagi la rase sgt tak suke!! tapi takpe, demi anak tercinta kan..

Anonymous said...

kak mizah,
kite ade terjumpa satu blog nih jual crocs.tryla bli alice dr dia.
she claim that its ori.

murah okeh... she sells crocs at rm75je.her blog kalau tak silap;

saye nk tadak plak :(


Nur Hamizah said...

dey japan - a'ahla aku 2 kedai aku gi alice tinggal kaler merah pastu size gabak2.

ehem ehem takkan tengok2 jer. takpe sruvey dulu k ape yg nak dibeli bwk balik malaysia.hehehehehehehehe..(dengan muka penoh harapan)

mek mur - betolll lah mek! mmg x selesa sangat2.tapi takpe demi baby tercinta aku sanggup ketepikan keselesaan tidor malamku.

kak kopi - wah yeke? nanti kite g check blog kasutbuaya tu.thanks babe! :-)

shera said...

makcikk...cari ajelah mana2 kasut yg comfy..

ahahaha..bila nak ketemu aku?

Anonymous said...

dear mummy mizah,

Cube cari kasut kat hush puppies. My bestfriends mase dier pregnant first baby, cikcah temankan dier pi beli kasut kat hush puppies. quite comfartable gaks.


Anonymous said...


yeah cik mizah, aku pon pnh came across to that blog. search la kt ctu..


Anonymous said...

mizah! alice memang cepat je takde stock ..aku round 3 tempat semua tinggal size paling kecik n gedabak2...for normal size mcm kita takde..

kejora said...

mizah, alice mmg susah nk kan kalu ko nak yg comfy and bgaye sket try laa 'snowfly' SIL pakai yg tu...