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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the latest facts u need to know

  1. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo glad & relieved knowing that Faizal Tahir didn't win the Juara Lagu 23 last Sunday!! My husband & I were screaming & jumping like crazzzyyy when the MCs announced Meet Uncle Hussein as the winner. Same here, Mell! I feel like doing the same to him! Arrgghhh!
  2. The internet connection in the office is still being blocked till God-knows-when. :-( Demn I'm stresssssed ok!
  3. Oh but I managed to exchange a few juicy stories on something with the girls thru email today hahahaha! Mari sambung gossip early morning tomorrow ok!!! Rasa nak gelaklahhh puuhleaseeeee..
  4. These few weeks, I noticed that I can easily get over-emotional over something. Seperti contoh Faizal Tahir menang kategori persembahan terbaik (wth??) & cerita daripada-bestfriend-saya-yang-u-know-what yang panaaassss itu hari ini.
  5. Dua daripada rakan saya Pn Dila & Pn Aien akan bersalin dalam masa terdekat ini. Saya tak sabar-sabar nak melihat baby-baby yang bakal keluar dari perut buncit mereka.
  6. Can't wait for the checkup this coming Saturday. Doakan babyku akan tunjukkan dirinya yang sebenar insyaAllah.. Will post a picture with the bulging tummy later ok sebab dalam masa beberapa hari ini perut saya telah membesar dengan jayanya. Kamu semua tak pernah lagi tengok gambar saya berperut buncit. I'm no longer ramping but I'm still nowhere near gemoks.
  7. Due date for the outstanding payment untuk rumah baru telah lepas & saya perlu bersedia mengorbankan wang bonus buat seberapa banyaknya. Hopefully we'll be getting more or at least equal to the previous year.
Ok till I have the mood to update again.


kew_chop said...

faizal tahir?? siapakah itu.. baru saje ku kenali, hihihi.. wah nanti tepek pic peyyot kamu itu ye.. camanala ghupe kamu yea.. mesti sexy mommy nih..

shera said...

smlm baru ckp dgn my fren yg die hard fan of faizal tahir..

i thot most malaysian suka dat superman?


i didnt watch AJL, so cant comment much..ahaha tapi tgk lah masa superman itu nyanyi..

P/s: i think he is talented, just a little bit over..ahahahaha

p/sS gosip panas apakah darling :p

Melissa said...

Oh gosh we have to set up a new group anti-kepoyoness of faizal tahir..muka cam bagus! i still wonder how he got the title superman..

anyway..been waiting for the buncit pics babe. did u see FB today? ainun nisa dah buka tudung ek? terus pakai tube dress gitewww...comolot lagi..

ko bila nak nak letak gambar comolot?

Hana_Nana said...

ko tak baik aa mizah.aku as fan faizal tahir menentang keras statement ko tuh.thats what we called ART tau..huhuhu.....

Nur Hamizah said...

mek - hahaha! ko x pyh kenal pon takpe mek.tak best pon die tu.. ;-)

Sher - yes, most malaysian memang suke die.aku je tak paham2 nape sume suke dia.i agree with that too > he's talented but a bit over.

Mell - i hvnt take any picture showing the tummy part.dah besa ni dah,org semua dah tegur aku dah gemoks.aku akan amik gambar pakai baju kecik skit esok.hehe.

hana nana - heheheheeeeeeeeeeeee soriiiiiiiiiii! die hard fan superman nmpknya kamu ni.


kejora said...

yeay...hussein....yeay...tiada bintang -utk faizal tahir...