Soooooooo much things happened since my last entry. And at the moment as most of u guys knew, Humaira has chickenpox! It was last Tuesday when I picked her up at the nursery & the babysitter said that Humaira maybe caught chickenpox. And there I saw my baby's face with red spots all over. Masa tu tak banyak sangat lagilah but I was quite shocked how quick the rash spread sebab pagi-pagi when I sent her takde langsung apa-apa kat muka dia. Ok I found one blister on her back masa tukar pampers dia that morning but thats it. Takde rash or whatsoever kat lain-lain tempat. We went to see the doc that night. Kesian sangat tengok dia so restless the first night asek merengek & tergaru-garu kepala dia so we put her mittens on, takut luka jugak kepala dia kang. Oh on the scalp la paling banyak sekali memang risau gilerlah kitorang tengok. I searched about chickenpox in babies, and I get to konw that when it got into babies under one year, it will be a very mild condition. And yes I see that Humaira's condition is getting better in just two days. Better in terms of dia tak nampak restless as the first night she got it & dah tak tergaru-garu & tak cranky dah. Pagi tadi dia bangun awal sangat (around 8.30am) - awal lah bila dikira hari cuti; both of us on leave sebab Mama menjaga baby ( I slept at 3 last night) & Papa sebab dia kerja malam semalam. Ya Allah nyaring sangat mulut dia membebel-bebel nak suruh kitorang bangun layan dia. Kejap2 kang kepala dia dah menyondol my back, kejap-kejap kaki dia tendang-tendang perut kita. Anyway macam nilah dia sejak 1-2 minggu ni bangun lagi awal dari Mama & Papa pastu bising & nyaring gilerlah mulut dia tu cakap macam-macam.. well as in cooing & babbling. You see, she inherits the loudness & maybe the kepohness from me of course. Haha.
Em ok. Dah pukul 3 pagi. Better get to sleep now sebab esok ada alarm-baby akan kejutkan saya seawal-awalnya. I miss you guys!