Humaira's sleeping patern pun nampak dah consistent sekarang. Around 8p.m / after Maghrib, she would fall asleep while being breastfed. And she sleeps thru the night. :-) Fuuhh!! Dan cuma akan bangun once or twice bila Mama dia nak tukar pampers dia / bila lapar nak susu. Itupun mata pejam tapi mulut tu merengek.And yes, I'm still breastfeeding until now. Alhamdulillah, susu badan masih ada walaupun pengeluaran tidak seproduktif dulu.
Ok. I have lots of things to tell. So randomly..
- Dah book flight ticket ke Medan untuk holiday bertiga! (wah baby dah besar leh bawak jalan-jalan jauh!)next year Feb, masa cuti Maulidur Rasul. And we're flying with Firefly! :-) Last week dah ke travel agency discuss pakej dah.
- Last week I was on MC for two consecutive days - sehari sebab stomach ache yang sangat terok selepas makan ayam penyet pecel lele dengan sambal pedas giler di Wong Solo Bangi. Tobat tanak makan sini lagi dah! Series sakit perot macam contraction nak beranak!
- Another day MC sebab bangun pagi muka bengkak sebelah. I always had this bad rashes macam bengkak besar-besar at most part of my body and tak tau sebab apa. At first we thot I was allergic to chicken (banyak2 benda ayam jugak aku nak alergik?) tapi bila tak makan pun still ada. Last-last, doctor di klinik tu refer ke SJMC. So rupanya saya ada -urticaria.
- I met Murni & her babies a few weeks ago. Thank you yang for the romper ala kimono ke tu? for Humaira. Best gilerrr tengok Zayyan.
- I cooked nasi ayam for the first time and surprisingly it became a hit!
- I'm going to miss Fizz's wedding next week. I'm sorry dear but I love you!
- Akan ke Kuala Terengganu for Meon's wedding in December. InsyaAllah.
- Shera & Mell called me today! Yeay!
P.s: Encik husband's birthday is on this coming Saturday. Masih takde idea nak bagi present ape. Kalau tanya dia, dia cakap nak Honda City. Hehe.